Mar 10, 2010

Good News for Americans: Google Maps Adds "Bicycling" Option.

It's been a long time coming, but Google Maps has finally added "bicycling" as an option for mapping directions, a feature which bodes well for broader acceptance of cycling in the United States.

From an initial review, this exciting new feature was well worth the wait. Google has over 12,000 miles worth of cycling trails incorporated into their maps, in addition to cycling lane information and maps of cycling-friendly roads in over 150 cities.

When seeking point-to-point directions via bicycle, Google Maps suggests the flattest, most efficient route to use. Even better, Google makes it easy to modify a suggested route by simply dragging the route indicator towards the path you'd prefer to follow.

Read Google's official blog announcement here. Cyclists, please provide feedback if the suggested route is not ideal; Google has a nifty reporting widget which empowers those of us "in the know" to make this feature even better for all.

Thank you Google; this tool should get more Americans out of their cars and onto their bikes... and ultimately help make cycling in the USA safer for all of us down the road.


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