Feb 1, 2009

Super Sunday v2.0 - in the books

Thanks to everyone that came out to race today...looked like you were having a lot of fun! I'm @ the volunteer party now - what a great crew.

Today's results were a bit confusing to some people... two words: NET TIME. Remember how congested the start was? Race results are based on net (chip) time, so the person 5 seconds in front of you @ the finish line might have ran (or run?) 15 seconds slower than you b/c they hit the starting line 20 seconds before you.

Thanks for all the great emails you've been sending - you guys rock. If you saw something today that we can improve upon for our next race, please send a note.

Okay, Springsteen's almost done here so time to get back to the game. Stay tuned for updated results and info on age group awards and the referral contest winner.

Uh oh, I think Springsteen just threw out his back.


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